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Blocked Nose

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What ailments are associated with a BLOCKED NOSE?

Colds, sinusitis and hay fever – these are common ailments that cause blocked noses in millions of people around the world at any one time.

Of these three ailments, the cold is the most widespread and frequently experienced, which is why we often call it ‘the common cold’.1

All three of these conditions share similar symptoms such as a runny nose, a blocked or stuffy nose and sneezing.1

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What causes a BLOCKED NOSE?

A blocked nose occurs when an infection or allergy causes the blood vessels in the nasal cavity to swell and for excessive fluid or mucus to be produced. This gives rise to a ‘stuffy feeling’.6


The sinuses and entire nasal cavity are lined with a thick layer of tissue called the nasal mucosa (also known as the mucocilliary layer or apparatus). This mucous membrane is responsible for transporting mucus. It provides an important defence mechanism against inhaled organisms and pollutants.3,4,5

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How do we treat a BLOCKED nose?

Over-the-counter (OTC) relief for congestion

OTC medicines, such as decongestants, may help relieve a blocked nose and can make breathing more comfortable. These medicines help to narrow the blood vessels in the lining of the nose and in this way help to relieve nasal stuffiness.6

Decongestant nasal sprays and drops work quickly as they are applied directly to the nasal tissue that is affected. However, they should not be used for more than 3 days as they can make congestion worse.

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Saline nasal sprays

Saline is salt water and is thought to work by improving the function of the nasal mucosa or mucociliary apparatus.9 Saline sprays can be used to relieve blocked noses, clear excess mucus from the nose and improve breathing.11

Saline sprays are mainly available in 2 forms, namely isotonic and hypertonic solutions.10

The Isotonic solutions have the same salt concentration as the cells that line the nasal cavity whereas hypertonic solutions have a higher salt concentration.10

Keeps noses clean and clear

• Eases breathing11
• Thins and removes mucus and crusts that block the nose5
• Reduces nasal secretions5
• Moisturises the nasal cavity5
• Offers protection during allergy and cold and flu seasons4,11
• Can be used in adults and children 3 years of age and older1

Clears a blocked nose

• Eases breathing11
• Cleans and removes crusts from the nose5
• Reduces a postnasal drip5
• Can be used in adults and children 6 years of age and older11

Gently cleans and clears baby’s nose

• Eases breathing11
• Gently cleanses the nasal cavity5,11
• Moisturises the nasal cavity5,11
• Offers protection during allergy and cold and flu seasons4,11
• Metered dosing controls amount of seawater sprayed
• Comfortable applicator
• Can be used in babies and children 2 weeks of age and older11

Medical References

1. Derebery MJ, Dicpinigaitis PV. New Horizons: Current and Potential Future Self-Treatment for Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Conditions. Postgraduate Medicine 2013; 125(Issue 1):82-96. 2. Porter RS (Ed-in-chief), The Merck Manual Home Health Handbook 2009: 1397-9. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey 2009. ISBN 978-1-11811-448-9. 3. Chirico G, Beccagutti F. Nasal obstruction in neonates and infants. Minerva Pediatr 2010; 62(5):499-505. 4. Rabago D. The Use of Saline Nasal Irrigation in Common Upper respiratory Conditions. US Pharmacist.com Continuing Education Available from URL: https://www.uspharmacist.com/ce (Accessed 26.02.2016). 5. Papsin B, Mc Tavish A. Saline nasal irrigation: Its role as an adjunct treatment. Can Fam Physician 2003; 49:168-173. 6. O’Shaughnessy KM, editor. British Medical Association New Guide to Medicines & Drugs 7th ed. London(UK) Dorling Kindersley; 2011:34-37, 51. 3. 7. Beck-Speier I, Oswald B, Maier KL, et al. Oxymetazoline Inhibits and Resolves Inflammatory Reactions in Human Neutrophils. J Pharmacol Sci 2009; 110:276-284. 8. Approved Drixine 0.05 % Nasal Drops, Nasal Spray and Pump Spray Package Insert. 9. NIH-PA Author Manuscript. Saline Nasal Irrigation for Upper Respiratory Conditions. Am Fam Physician 2009; 80(10):1117-9. 10. Achilles N, Mösges R. Nasal Saline Irrigations for the Symptoms of Acute and Chronic Rhinosinusitis. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2013;13:229-235. 11. Drixine PureSea Package Inserts.

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