The value of patient education in healthcare environs

Over the past 19 years, Medinformer has conducted numerous surveys amongst Healthcare Professionals to establish the value of our patient education displays in their waiting areas. The results have consistently shown a unanimous agreement on the necessity of patient education.

In today’s digital landscape, where AI-driven anonymity, deep fakes, and “Dr. Google” are prevalent, the integrity of information is paramount. Patients are increasingly proactive about their healthcare, while healthcare professionals have less time to guide and educate them.


Recent Survey Among GPs

We recently surveyed practicing GPs to gather their thoughts on becoming more proactive in delivering relevant digital information to their patients.

View full results here


Recent survey amongst Clinic sisters

Amidst a widespread shortage of doctors throughout Africa, there has been a notable expansion of primary healthcare facilities. These facilities are instrumental in efficiently triaging patients, thereby maximizing the effective use of doctors’ time for more critical cases. Medinformer’s specialized content and tools are perfectly tailored to bolster these primary healthcare environments, delivering crucial support where it is most urgently required.”

We undertook a similar survey amongst clinic sisters working at Dis-Chem and Independant clinics asking for their thoughts on the value of patient education and new ways to deliver this information

View full results here


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